Olduvai Gorge (2009), by Noel Feans

Social science is hard. Most social phenomena involve thousands of subtle effects, of several different ontological sorts, all acting on relevant populations up to about a billion units in size - and even if you were ever able to cement any results about it, and publicise them, a portion of your subjects would immediately change in response - to spite you.

But it’s important and noble to try, anyway, to understand human things using our best toolkit.

However, some anthropologists I’ve talked to declaim the title of ‘science’ entirely - as, indeed, did the American Anthropological Association in 2010:

Until now, the association’s long-range plan was “to advance anthropology as the science that studies humankind in all its aspects.” The executive board revised this last month to say, “The purposes of the association shall be to advance public understanding of humankind in all its aspects.” This is followed by a list of anthropological subdisciplines that includes political research. The word “science” has been excised from two other places in the revised statement…


To put it lightly, this is counterproductive.

  1. First of all, it is a straightforwardly false claim about their peers - physical anthropologists and linguistic anthropologists have made great and enduring scientific discoveries. So this hegemonic statement is really a claim about cultural anthropology, a subfield we can usually paraphrase as literary anthropology. 2

  2. It treats science as something alien to ordinary life, something distinctively Western. However, the only thing uniting the sciences is taking evidence as seriously as possible: pragmatically, ‘science’ is the practice of making systematic observations, relating these to possible explanations, and offering data and argument to peers for criticism and replication or disconfirmation. Ethnographers are absolutely scientists in this broad sense, even though some of their judgments (for instance about the semantic and symbolic aspects of a culture) have not been amenable to computational or statistical analysis. 3 And it is absurd to suggest that non-Westerners have not played large parts in the endeavour, fast increasing.

  3. Eliminative reductionism, excessive formalism and political domination are nowhere implied by the scientific method. As a result, taking pride in not ‘doing science’ is chilling to me. 9 Yes: they’re trying to be humane. Yes, they’re trying to resist eliminative reductionism, mathiness, and racism (the “arrogant perceptions of the weaker peoples as instrumental means of the global projects of the stronger”). 4 But in the process they attack our only hope of ever getting above divisive tribal instincts, or controlling for self-interest, chance, delusion and whim. Any political movement which does not take epistemic care will sooner or later do harm, and possibly more harm than good.

Cognitive imperialism

Some people, like Marie Battiste, call the discovery and diffusion of objective truths "cognitive imperialism":
Cognitive imperialism is a form of cognitive manipulation used to disclaim other knowledge bases and values. Validated through one’s knowledge base and empowered through public education, it has been the means by which whole groups of people have been denied existence and have had their wealth confiscated. Cognitive imperialism denies people their language and cultural integrity by maintaining the legitimacy of only one language, one culture, and one frame of reference...
Objective truth is imperialist in some sense - but it wasn't scientists that made the truth imperial (not the mere humans who are just trying to get you to step outside your skull and look for a minute). It's the world that imposes.

The idea that politicised and relativised epistemology has helped (or would help) the oppressed is straightforwardly false. Dictators and imperialists of all stripes are perfectly happy with the idea that there's no objective truth to their crimes:

The [Bush] aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
What's worse than being abducted, tortured and your family never hearing of you again? Surely: knowing that your captors will never be held accountable, that the process will continue with however many other lives, all in eternal deniability. (Recall the mood in 1984.)

Unscientific research (where scientific means could be fruitful) is just discreditable: it is easily and often the exquisite interpretation of statistical noise. Unfortunately, the unscientific manner is here paired with active disdain of those cultural anthropologists who do attempt science: e.g. Jared Diamond, Napoleon Chagnon, Steven Pinker, Pascal Boyer. 5 Scientific cultural anthropology is a serious, interdisciplinary research programme shared with genetics and psychology. (It can be googled via “cultural evolution theory” or “coevolution”.) Given that I haven’t read much of it, given that I value general truth more than particular conjecture, why would I spend time on the non-scientific kind?

Mob science

I continue to struggle to distinguish anthropology and soft sociology. 8 Both are about humans in groups; both do ethnography; both are comfortable with symbolic Verstehen work; both now cover the researchers' own culture as well as those of the Other. The difference - uncharitably, from the outside - is that sociology has less postmodernist baggage and can thus aspire to be more than political advocacy.

The first problem, beyond any of the totally speculative ideological effects, is its opportunity cost: people tend to wear only one hat, and wearing the cultural anthropology hat means they probably won’t wear any of the fantastic, proven, world-changing hats.

Just because c-anthropology is very confused on average doesn’t allow us to write off the whole field. 90% of everything is crap after all. 11 For instance: I only recently realised the distinctive value of the philosopher Rousseau, an anthropologist in spirit: few Europeans really considered that there could be value in foreign cultures in his time. 6

This sounds incredible in our hybridised culture, for we are obsessed with fleeing ourselves, and have a ridiculously rose-tinted idea of what pastoral (read: foreign) life was and is actually like. But you can see disdainful total superiority in even the most intelligent commentators from the C17th, for instance Samuel Johnson. 7

If anthropology is a cause of the huge shift in attitudes from then until now, then they will have done us a great service. (For all that it is anthropologists who now lead the quest for segregation and cultural purity, in the form of attacking often-harmless cultural exchange as cultural appropriation.)

So, in spite of them, I’m going to find the best of the field, to “steel-man” them. Out of charity, I won’t cover the kind of writer who believes in the equipollence of ways of knowing.

Research programme

I'm being combative, but I am actually interested. I'm looking for answers to:

  • What has cultural anthropology achieved?
  • How much of the modern love of foreign experience and culture can be attributed to the influence of ethnographers?
  • Is cultural anthropology unusually ideologically polluted?
  • How does cultural or social anthropology differ from sociology?
  • What is cultural anthropology's method?
  • Does cultural evolution theory subsume or supercede cultural anthropology?
  • How unscientific is cultural anthropology? How can we tell?
  • </i>

e.g.: What is the anthropological method?

I don't really know and neither of the textbooks I tried were very illuminating. Here's a preliminary attempt, after contact with some theoretical c-anthropologists:

  • Methodological relativism. The ethnographer must put aside the literal truth of a culture's beliefs and try to look at them from the inside. 10
  • Lionisation of culture as the indispensable framework for human life (they are, but they are equally oppressive, gigantic brakes on human freedom).
  • Universalisation of culture. Everything (every datum, every theory, every experience) is said to be culturally mediated if not reduced to mere cultural. Leads to e.g. scientific facts (not theories) being dismissed by reference to the experimenter's being part of a racist culture.
  • Advocacy. That you can't just _describe_ a dying way of life, you have to make moves to save it. Your research is a political act.

e.g.: How unscientific is cultural anthropology?

Some ways we could investigate this:

  • Email everyone listed on every department page and ask. I can imagine impressive response rates - 60%?
  • Gather up all public responses to #AAAFail and see what % were dismayed by it.
  • Crawl JSTOR and look for signs of quantitative reason in papers (numerals, math notation).
My survey would probably just ask a Likert question for each variable in my model of early modern science. For my purposes, scienciness is a dumb additive function of:

  • Are their explanations couched only in terms of natural phenomena?
  • Is their research based on going and looking at things?
  • Is their method quantitative where appropriate?
  • Is their method reductionist?
  • Are they fallibilist about their conclusions?
  • Do they share their data and invite criticism and replication?

(Obviously many self-described scientists fall short of these, for good and bad reasons. It might be sufficient to try.)

Reading List

I couldn't find a reading list for "the cultural anthropology canon". This is maybe because the field is against things like canons, as hierarchical and Westernising or whatnot. So I made my own, of the most apparently notable books in the non-scientific strand:

  1. An anthropologist friend has pointed out to me that American anthropology remains fairly scientific; most of the other geographical blocs diverged firmly into theory in the late 60s. This makes the AAA's 2010 statement a coup as well as a calumny - given all the physical and linguistic anthropologists who work in their jurisdiction.
  2. Sigh, but not always.

  3. Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else we do.
    - Donald Knuth
  4. This noble quote is from Marshall Sahlins, in the course of a book review where he studiedly fails to condemn a book known to be a scurrilous conspiracy theory, perhaps because the subject of the conspiracy theory is a colleague whose methods he dislikes.
  5. I know that neither Diamond nor Pinker are self-described or institutionally 'anthropologists'. But they have written some of the most interesting Grand Anthropology work I have ever read, and they are indeed demonic figures in undergraduate anthropology courses.
  6. Sigh, but yes he was in practice very xenophobic.
  7. Who was, admittedly, not known as a beacon of tolerance even towards peoples as nearby as fellow Brits:
    The author of these memoirs will remember, that Johnson one day asked him, 'Have you observed the difference between your own country impudence and Scottish impudence?' The answer being in the negative: 'Then I will tell you,' said Johnson. 'The impudence of an Irishman is the impudence of a fly, that buzzes about you, and you put it away, but it returns again, and flutters and teazes you. The impudence of a Scotsman is the impudence of a leech, that fixes and sucks your blood.'

    - Arthur Murphy
  8. (Beyond trivial differences, like the typical skin colour and population density of their subjects.)
  9. I've softened a bit since being first shocked by the happily non-scientific methods of some anthropologists. As James Holland Jones notes, wilful ignorance is more tragedy than scandal:
    The reasons for the marginalization of scientific approaches to anthropology are complex and do not fit neatly into the simplistic narrative of “objective, scientific anthropology ... under assault from interpretivists like Clifford Geertz who do not believe in truth.” No doubt, part of the problem is simply the compartmentalization of knowledge.

    As scholars become increasingly specialized, it becomes more and more difficult to be both scientist and humanist. Increasingly, hiring decisions are zero-sum games. The gain of a scientist represents the loss of a humanist and vice-versa. Gone is Eric Wolf’s conception of Anthropology as

    “both the most scientific of the humanities and the most humanist of the sciences”...
  10. The unsubtle common denominator of this slips into hard 'conceptual' relativism: science as just the West's arrogant imperial way of knowing, with no superior claim to generality, replicability or authority.
  11. "90%"

    Estimate quality: Spiegelhalter 0*.
    Source: Someone called Theodore Sturgeon.


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