Unless a philosopher finds for us an acceptable synthesis – as Plato and Aristotle did together for their age, and St Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant for theirs – we remain becalmed on a painted ocean of controversy, and for better or worse… there will never be anyone to whistle thrice for us and say, once and for all, ‘The game is done! I’ve won! I’ve won!’

- Ved Mehta

A small case study in quantification and transparent science: What predicts a philosopher’s all-time rank (as judged by some professional philosophers, n=1165)?

What about broadness? By that I mean that their philosophy covered everything, or made a grand narrative to explain everything, uniting the big domains (e.g. science, ethics, society, art), synthesising great competing schools of thought.

In the top 30, Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Descartes, the Tractarian Wittgenstein, Aquinas, Leibniz, Mill, Hegelmarx, Nietzsche (ironically, but still), Epicurus, Bacon fit this description extremely well.

I check if broadness is predictively important with some basic statistics here. I give a reason to think it isn’t explanatorily important here.


  • Broadness is of course a matter of degree: for instance, Aristotle is broader than Plato, because of his vast natural science work and his logic. You could make this pretty objective by counting the APA subfields it integrates, which perhaps jointly represent everything.

  • The poll is very much a convenience sample, not a random sample of philosophers. While Leiter is an avowed classical Marxist, he has also spent a decade alienating identitarians, i.e. the now-mainstream left. (Note: These two biases don’t cancel.) As such, we can expect his readership to be skewed. You can conditionalise everything that follows as “according to Leiter’s readers” to be safe.

  • Even if it was random, I don’t know how close a proxy for actual value someone’s status-among-philosophers is.

  • Broadness isn’t the same as overall value - some of the very greatest thinkers are too technical to register in philosophy (e.g. Laplace, Shannon, Kalman, Bellman, Hamming, Watkins, Jaynes, Zuse, Poincaré, Shapley). (Turing has one foot in the philosophy-canon door, though his great work was of course elsewhere.)

  • You might find ranking (even Condorcet ranking!) philosophies distasteful, a rank gamification of a higher pursuit. In that case, I ask you to replace every instance of “rank” in this piece with “perceived rank”.

  • Many execrable, uncritical mystics are enormously ‘broad’ in the weak sense that they mention lots of things. My sense requires both knowledge and reasoning, which e.g. Gurdjieff or Krishnamurti don’t display.

  • Spinoza was highly systematic (his Ethics attempts a complete metaphysics via deductive proof) but despite doing that, and an actual ethical system, and his Bible criticism, and his jurisprudence, he maybe wasn’t as broad as the others. (When first doing this list I got confused between ‘systematic’ as in ‘formalised’ and ‘systematic’ as in ‘complete’.)

  • It’s easy to imagine someone being very broad (working their way down this list, making some remarks on each, say) without really having a system uniting their work. Montaigne is like that, and the later Russell too. Call their system sceptical-empirical humanism, and limit the analysis to people who contributed, pushed forward, many fields.

  • Russell contributed to mathematics, language, epistemology, metaphysics, contemporary physics and politics, ethics, religion, history, sex, etc. I’m not sure why I didn’t include him at first - possibly because he turned away from systematic (that is, formal) work after Gödel.

  • The goalposts have moved. Moderns have more topics to write on, because we have discovered new sorts of things even at the highest level (e.g. computer science, which isn’t just maths and engineering). It was relatively easy for e.g. Democritus and Thales to write on every known topic.

Modelling broadness

How strong is the relationship between broadness and polling rank? We can do better than eyeballing it and saying “huh, 12 of the top thirty talked about everything”.

Here’s the data; the values of the response variable are all eyeballed for now (and please note I am only really familiar with half of them) - please correct me in the comments or with a pull request. It wouldn’t be hard to make it more objective by counting the number of large domains their system integrates.

Let’s use two handy methods: rank correlations (checking the general relationship between the two, without making assumptions about their actual distribution) and ordinal regression (checking how strong its effect on rank seems to be). Here’s the full analysis in Python.

TODO: Contingency table

What’s the monotonic relationship?

Spearman’s rank correlation (the “strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between variables”) came out as Rho = -0.23, p=0.035; as broadness increases, rank slightly improves (decreases).

Do pairs of values generally agree?

Kendall’s tau (the strength and direction of the ‘correspondence’ between two rankings, i.e. how often the linked pairs agreed) came out as τ = -0.17, p=0.039; slightly weaker but corroborating. Kendall’s tau is more scathing about non-sequential dislocations than Spearman’s rho, so the messy sections in the joint ranking drop the score. You expect messiness from a discrete space like this:

What does threshold regression say?

It’s overkill to do regression with only one variable. But I have to learn sometime.

When predicting its own training data, an ‘all-threshold’ ordinal regressor which relies solely on ‘broadness’ is on average off by 20 places in the ranking (mean absolute error). A dumb always-predict-the-mean-rank rule is generally 22 off. We can say something like “broadness can give a 10% reduction in predictive error”.

What’s the best possible performance of broadness?

Is rank a power law?

The above assumes that it’s just as good to move from 87th to 86th as it is to move from 2nd to 1st rank.

We can guess how much better it is to be high-rank with the net contests won against Aristotle.

TODO: Ordinal trees?

(TODO: Count the APA subfields each philosopher contributed to.

TODO: Use the pairwise Condorcet information from the poll as well.

TODO: Compare PhilPapers’ comparatively nonpartisan sample.)

Null hypothesis

There’s a trivial explanation for this correlation:

  1. This ranking is calculated from votes by contemporary philosophers.
  2. Contemporary philosophers tend to specialise in only one of two of ~20 subfields which jointly represent everything.
  3. Philosophers who write about everything are thus able to impress 20 approximately distinct subpopulations, while specialists will tend to impress only one or two.
  4. Broadness is trivially related to popularity among contemporary philosophers.

(This would mean that this poll isn’t evidence for the effect, not that there’s no effect.)

Contemporary grand systems

The explosion in knowledge (or at least in the volume of writing) and academic incentives mean intense specialisation in all fields. If there is an effect of broadness on long-term status (which, again, I haven’t ascertained), this specialisation could hurt the prospects of contemporary philosophers later on.

Is anyone building such systems today? The two clear examples I know are Nassim Taleb and Eliezer Yudkowsky. Neither is primarily an academic, both sometimes have questionable judgment, but each is incredibly exciting in the same way that Kant or Nietzsche is exciting - if not more, since we have access to incredible resources they didn’t, not least data and simulation.

(It always looks odd to compare contemporaries to the all-time greats. It’s a steep status gradient: status seems to accumulate nonlinearly (think Matthew effects); even today, Aristotle has far more status than even the most-beloved, most-cited contemporary philosopher, David Lewis - judging by how Lewis only just managed the top 30.)

Robin Hanson writes exceptionally broadly (physics, AI, cognitive science, evolution, history, social science, sex) and is a mix of scholarly consensus and truly radical revisionism. I think he works around academic incentives by being tenured in a surplus-demand field (economics).

There’s also a pretty large group (Sandberg, MacAskill, Ord, Bostrom, Cotton-Barrett, Beckstead) who have converged on expected-value probabilism as a method for enquiry into pretty well anything - putting them in the netherland between philosophy and statistics. Label this school “existential hope” and wish them well.

Appendix: Time and rank

The interaction between broadness and how long ago they wrote would be interesting to see.

TODO: Taking the midpoint of their life as their “floreat” period.

Explanation and prediction

Can you be explanatory if you aren’t predictive? The converse happens all the time.


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