the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics
— Galileo

If you’re reading this, you are probably quite impressed with maths. It explains everything; The scientists are just scrabbling in the foothills of the mathematicians; It is the purest human activity, the least and most human.


Predictive precision and measurement precision

prediction of grav waves, size \(10^{-20} \,\mathrm{m}\); nailed it

atomic mass of the electron: \(3 \times 10^{-11} \,\mathrm{kg}\quad \pm 94\, \mathrm{ppt}\) 2

anomalous magnetic moment of the electron g: to 11 sf

Depending on how you want to count it, that's either 11 or 14 digits of precision (the value you would expect without QED is exactly 1, so in some sense, the shift really starts with the first non-zero decimal place)

QED correctly predicts all those decimal places (to within the measurement uncertainty)

Precision of form

Fiber bundles invented by mathematicians 60 years before they were needed for gauge theory. Perfect. This happens a lot.

That non-Abelian gauge fields are conceptually identical to ideas in the beautiful theory of fiber bundles, developed by mathematicians without reference to the physical world, was a great marvel to me. In 1975 I discussed my feelings with Chern, and said 'this is both thrilling and puzzling, since you mathematicians dreamed up these concepts out of nowhere'. He immediately protested: 'No, no. These concepts were not dreamed up. They were natural and real.'

Rule of cool

Landing on a comet and returning with 6 burns: OSIRIS-REX. launched it two years before it landed. exactly 3 burns in 2 years, lots of slingshots and avoiding stuff.

8th Sep 2016 launch to 3 December 2018 arrival, vs predicted November 23rd 2018. a week off! Very likely to land within hours of predicted end 24 September 2023, 15:00 UTC


The Lagrangian of the standard model is 2075 characters. It roughly exhausts all of physics (except for gravity and mass values) in 4kB.

So maths can do anything? No. This is selection bias.

Physics is the science of determining which subset of mathematics the universe respects.
— John Schilling

i.e. it is a search over a huge space, and we don’t hear from the failures. Science as (model) selection.

(Just one thing we paper over: We can’t derive masses - the Yukawa couplings are free parameters. “The ultimate reason for these couplings is not known: it would be something that a better, deeper theory should explain.”)


It was pretty far into my mathematics education that I realised: one of the reasons mathematics always seems to have all the answers was that the teachers were the ones choosing the questions.


If a mathematician attacks a problem which is completely beyond the range of the ideas available to him, he publishes no papers and leaves no trace in mathematical history. Other mathematicians, attacking problems within their powers, publish discoveries. Unconsciously, therefore, the map of mathematical knowledge comes to resemble the map of problems soluble by given tools.

We don’t focus on phenomena which are hard to model / we don’t report our terrible results from trying to model them. So science looks omnipotent and clean.

Approximation is everywhere and often works ok. e.g. We choose to model discrete things (people) with smooth things (pdfs). e.g. we choose to model bodies as points (and not just in class!). But this is an importantly different kind of maths which gives you much less confidence, authority, and metaphysics than exact theory.

Streetlights and drunks

A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is”.

University maths, physics, engineering are looking under the streetlight

Come look into the dark

As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.
— attd. Einstein

What else is out there? What is the “dark matter” of maths?

Things which exist but are not representable

Most reals are incomputable

1. \(|\mathbb{Z}| = \aleph_0\)
2. \(|\mathbb{R}| = 2^{\aleph_0}\)
3. Hume's principle; If two sets can be placed into bijection, then they have the same size. \(|A| = |B| \Leftrightarrow A \,{\hookrightarrow\hspace{-1.8ex}\to} \,B\)

4. Computable \(n :=\) some program outputs \(n\); there is a Turing machine (TM) which outputs it.

5. \( |\mathrm{TM}| = \aleph_0 \). See here.
6. So \(|\mathrm{Comp}| = \aleph_0 \)
7. So \( |\mathrm{Comp}| \ll |\mathbb{R}| \)

Most reals are indescribable

1. Describable\((n)\) := some string denotes \(n\)
Use quotes to denote the human symbolic representation e.g. \(``7"\)
2. Let \(S := \forall\) well-formed formulae

3. All \(s \in S\) have integer length, i.e. we can map from \(S \to \mathbb{Z}\). (Sort \(S\) by length and alphabetically, map the first word to 0, the second to 1...)
4. So \( |S| = |\mathbb{Z}| \)
5. So \( |S| \ll |\mathbb{R}| \)

Computable \(\rightarrow\) Describable

Let \(n\) be a computable real output by a program \(p\). The following is an unambiguous description of \(n\): "The real number output by p"

Representable, concrete even, but not usable 3

Most strings are incompressible

compressible \(:=\) If an object contains regularities, then there's a description shorter than it
- the [K] complexity \(C(x) \) of an object \(x \)
- \(l\): string length (binary length in bits)
- \(C \): description length
- \(C(x|y) \), conditional Kolmogorov complexity given \(y\) as an auxiliary input to the procedure

A counting argument gets us the existence of 1 incompressible string

- For each \(n \) there are \(2^n \) binary strings of length \(n \),
- but only \(\Sigma_{i=0}^{n-1} = 2n − 1 \) possible shorter descriptions.
- Therefore, there is at least one binary string \(x \) of length \(n \) such that \(C(x) ≥ n \). call such strings incompressible.

- It also follows that for any length \(n \) and any binary string \(y \), there is a binary string \(x \) of length \(n \) such that \(C(x|y) ≥ n \).
- c-incompressible: of a string \(x \), if \(C(x) ≥ l(x) − c \).
- Strings that are incompressible (say, c-incompressible with small \(c \)) are patternless, since any pattern could be used to reduce the description length.
- Intuitively, we think of such patternless sequences as close to random

How many strings of length \(n \) are \(c \)-incompressible?

- counting argument again yields
- the number of strings of length \(n \) that are \(c \)-incompressible is \(\geq 2^n − 2^{n−c} + 1 \).
- Hence there is at least one 0-incompressible string of length n,
- at least one-half of all strings of length n are 1-incompressible,
- at least three-fourths of all strings of length n are 2-incompressible...
- and at least the \((1 − 1/2^c) \)th part of all \(2^n \) strings of length \(n \) are \(c \)-incompressible.

- This means that for each \(c > 1 \) the majority of all strings with \(n>c \) are c-incompressible.

\(\simeq\) there are few short programs, so there can be only few objects of low complexity

Most languages are not learnable

Almost all numbers are random


conjectures for you

I originally had a grandiose idea of this class before realising that I'm not that good at TCS and it's already pushing an hour.

  • Most true statements are unprovable?
  • Is a random theorem provable?
  • Most programs are undecidable?
  • Most tasks are np-hard?
  • Most distributions lack moments?
  • Most functions are incomputable?
  • Most equations have no closed-form solution?
  • Is the world Lagrangian (finite physical description?)
  • How many of the above statements are equivalent?

So maybe most of mathematics is forever outside our ken. These objects are dark matter, undetectable, known only by their absence.

Most? mathematical objects are impossible to work with, impossible to talk about, impossible to see, we don’t have enough descriptions. But metamathematics tells us they exist.

The point

We only work with representations. And we will never, can never, see most of even those. Map (human symbols, human reasoning) and territory (platonic realm / formal realm). The human map will always be smaller.

much more than 99% of technical discussion is about a tiny fraction of mathematical space. Almost nowhere.

Can’t work with em, can’t talk about em, can’t use them, not decision relevant. Hard to publish about them. So ignore em. Incentives distort, even here.

you won’t encounter these dark objects again. But I wanted to use 1 hour of your life to look into the dark.

Whence naturalness bias?

Do we care though? The above is another way of saying that the unreachable or unworkable parts are literally useless. Maybe unphysical, maybe basically nonexistent.

The dark matter is so far away from us, from our desires, from even our particle colldiers. And interestingness is concentrated in ordinary mathematical matter! This can’t be coincidence.

Physics → Us → “Maths”


Physics → Maths

Our intuitions, including mathematical intuitions, are maybe shaped by actual physics. Mathematics is then a disguised empirical science.

a call for Icaruses

You don't encounter any dark matter in any area of life -- except when you reach way out and try to make universal claims, try to make claims about numbers as a whole, programs as a whole, mathematics as a whole. But Hilbert's failed programme got us computers!

There is something very human about your reach outstripping your grasp, and it's important not to let ultimate failure deter you.

the common thread of these proofs

: Computer science is a first-class member of intellectual life. Mathematics, human thought, is fundamentally more powerful after 1936. The old philosophers are forever less relevant.

See also

  1. It doesn't make sense to state or prove these things without a measure on statements. We want to weight things by their complexity for instance.

    I've mostly been assuming symbol length or sth.
  2. Lives have been spent improving the experiments and machines to squeeze out another couple of OOMs. Noble use of a life, imo.
  3. Manipulable / predictable / compressible


Nuño commented on 03 September 2023 :

The ‘most’ is missing a notion of density. And if we live in a computable universe, or in a fairly computable universe, or if we look at normal strings and normal languages, most strings are compressible, most languages are learnable.

Even more, raw text strings are one of the best-compressible formats.

Gavin: Yeah I relegated this consideration to a footnote but it is key. I assume a uniform prior over strings, which is, imo, the fairest prior to use the word ‘[all of] mathematics’ for.

Computable universe doesn’t come into it unless you’re a radical finitist and want to deny that incomputable numbers exist (in any sense besides the boring formalist sense). Apologies to anyone who thought this post is practical advice about not bothering with gzip.

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