The physicist Enrico Fermi once looked up at lunch conversation and asked: “Where is everyone?”

He meant aliens. The galaxy has >100 billion stars, >1 tn planets. So we shouldn’t be alone - we should see lots of signals. Shouldn’t we?

Decades later, this argument was made one notch clearer with the Drake Equation. (It’s just basic physics plus the product rule plus a bunch of guesses.) It aims at the expected number of visible civs in our galaxy.

It’s usually criticised as approximate, statistical, not really science, vast uncertainties, strong assumptions. But it’s better than nothing as a tool for constraining uncertainty (rather than fixing the correct value): “we must be wrong somewhere; which of these estimates is most wrong?”

What does it take to get a civilisation like ours? What does it take to get a civilisation you can see across the void?:

A star to warm you; a planet to shield you; life to bootstrap you; intelligent life (you); signalling technology to reveal you; longevity to keep the signal going.


$$N = \# \text{civs in our galaxy we could communicate with}$$ $$R_* = \frac{\text{stars}}{\text{year}} $$ $$f_p = \frac{\text{planet-stars}}{\text{star}}$$ $$n_e = \frac{\text{good planets}}{\text{planet-star}}$$ $$f_l = \frac{\text{lifes}}{\text{good planet}}$$ $$f_i = \frac{\text{intelligences}}{\text{life}}$$ $$f_c = \frac{\text{signals}}{\text{intelligence}}$$ $$L = \text{year}$$
And a quick dimension check shows that this gives us what we want, # signals

\[\begin{align*} \text{You are here} \\ &| \\ N = R_* \, f_p \, n_e \, f_l \, f_i &\, f_c \, L \end{align*}\]
Best-guess magnitudes: $$N = 10^0 \, 10^0 \, 10^{-0.3} \, 10^0 \, 10^0 \, 10^{-1} \, 10^3 $$ \(N = 10^{1.7} \simeq 50 \,\) visible civilisations

Lol! So one of these must be much lower than we realise. And it has to be on the right.

Given this true-ish structure - but this false conclusion! - Robin Hanson noticed the implied “Great Filter”. At some point, civs must be stopped from sending signals and spreading / building megastructures. Logically, it’s somewhere inbetween one (or more) of these terms.

People argued for 30 years about which of the terms is small. But actually the whole approach is stupid: point estimates are stupid whenever you have notable uncertainty (more than one order of magnitude, say). What are our current uncertainties for each of these terms?

\[N? = R_* \,\,\, f_p \,\,\, n_e \,\,\, f_l \,\,\, f_i \,\,\, f_c \,\,\, L\]
Uncertainties: $$N? = 10^{0.9}, 10^0, 10^2, 10^{>200},10^3, 10^{>2}, 10^{8.3}$$

Aha! \(f_l\) is the obvious culprit. For all we know, the galaxy is empty because abiogenesis is hard, maybe 10 with 200 zeroes hard.

Rerunning the analysis using these uncertainties and sampling the resulting Bayesian model gives a posterior with 1/3 of the mass under 1 civilisation.

i.e. A 1/3 chance of being alone in the galaxy. And a 2/3-likely event not happening is not a paradox. It’s not even a puzzle.

If you watch science documentaries - Brian Cox, Neil deGrasse Tyson, VSauce - they say they hope we find life on Mars. That we’re not alone in the universe.

But finding aliens is terrible news even if they are good dudes and co-operate fully.

Finding microbial aliens is terrible news. Multicellular life, like the putative Mars fungi are even worse. And fellow clever scientists the worst of all.

Why? It forces the probability mass over the filter to move right along the Drake Equation. Seeing alien life of any kind is some evidence that the Filter is still to come, that we are doomed to never become galactically visible and never flourish.

(How can this be? How can we update so strongly from one data point?: Because we currently have only one data point, ourselves, and so the distribution over \(f_l\) is ridiculously wide, and so one more data point can cause a large update.)

Why care about this?

The usual perspective, even for very smart and thoughtful people, is bound to 1) one country on 2) one planet 3) in this century.

But the above (weak!) estimators reveal Earth’s current importance to be relatively small, and its potential importance to be vast.

We are potentially the only civ. The only chance for the supercluster’s “negentropy” to be useful. The single candle flame of consciousness and so(?) value.

Despite the lurking doom, there’s something optimistic here: at the moment it sorta looks like the filter is behind us. 1

There is some chance that the light-cone is unoccupied. So there is some chance that what we and our descendents do will echo on the grandest possible scale.

See also

  • The paper this post explains
  • Daniel Eth on the Great Filter
  • James Fodor arguing that even the Bayesian version is flawed and the ‘paradox’ is still there (but mild)

  1. That we can't see Dyson spheres (etc) around us means that there's no obvious flashy AGIs maximising something. But if they're using their own personal black holes for power we wouldn't see them.


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Tags: longtermism, philosophy, scifi, rationality, science


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