Specify what you mean by computer, and I'll tell you the first computer:
(click any radio button to start)

Let me emphasize that there is no such thing as "first" in any activity associated with human invention. If you add enough adjectives to a description you can always claim your own favorite. For example the ENIAC is often claimed to be the "first electronic, general purpose, large scale, digital computer" and you certainly have to add all those adjectives before you have a correct statement...
Michael Williams

People think they know what they mean when they say "computer" - it's the thing with a screen and a mouse that gives you cat photos. In that narrow sense, the SDS 940 (1968) that ran Engelbart's On-Line System was 'the first computer'.

This is obviously no good: it disqualifies a hundred years of earlier digital computers. Luckily, the name's a clue: computers are things that do computations. However, all of reality can be usefully considered as computation. So a computer can't be just "a system which transforms physical information", because everything does that.

Data: A randomly selected atom is not a computer. A gun is not a computer. An abacus is not a computer, nor is its descendent the slide rule. A primate doing addition is not the kind of computer we are talking about. So we want the first inorganic device that can do complex information-processing automatically, on demand. 2

(Electricity isn't key, though. The fact that we use voltages to conduct most of our computations is a matter of convenience, not essence.)

When asking "what was the first computer?", people usually mean the first modern computer, where "modern" is some collection of the following properties: fully-electronic, Turing-complete, stored-program, binary-digital, parallelised, integrated-circuit-transistorised, virtual-memory, instruction-set-architecture, presenting a desktop metaphor to the user.

Just give me a straight answer

No. Here are some big candidates:

  1. The Antikythera mechanism is the first known computer, probably built around 100 BCE. It was just a 'calculator'.

  2. Honourable mention of da Vinci's functional design (c. 1500) of a mechanical calculator.

  3. Honourable mention of Charles Babbage and his unbuilt Analytical Engine: if he had had about 10 times more money, he might well have built the first general-purpose digital machine around 1850.

  4. The Z3 (operational on 7th December 1941) was the first general-purpose digital machine to execute a program successfully. (Its inventor, Konrad Zuse, also rediscovered Shannon's great breakthrough and much else besides.)

  5. The Colossus Mark I (operational on 8th December 1943) was the first fully-electronic programmable digital computer. It was just a '5KHz logic calculator'. 3

  6. The ENIAC (operational by November 1945) was the first fully-electronic general-purpose digital computer.1 Google's foolish truncation of this specification led to me doing all the research for this piece.

  7. The Manchester Baby (operational by June 1948) was the first fully-electronic, general-purpose digital computer to successfully execute a 'stored program', a set of instructions loaded into its own memory as data. There are mixed reports of a heavily modified ENIAC executing one in April or else September 1948; Copeland notes that this was the most limited sense of stored program, but should probably still count if someone can track down the April records.
  8. "The AGC was the first silicon integrated circuit based computer."



Acting without external intervention, after specifying input and program. I'm treating this as the core property of 'a computer'. An abacus is not a computer, because it doesn't do any operations for you. The Ishango bone, as far as anyone can tell, is also not a computer. A slide rule makes you do the intermediate steps and so isn't a computer.


A distinction is sometimes made between computers and mere calculators. For instance, Zuse's Z3 is sometimes said to be an 'electronic calculator', and not a computer per se. This distinction does not have a physical basis.

I think their point is to make universal computation a necessary condition of being 'a computer' - but this condition would disqualify archetypal computers like the ABC and Colossus. So it doesn't fit.

For my purposes, a calculator is a computer: a special-purpose (arithmetic) computer. So we can talk about the ancient analogue devices and Babbage's inspired flight of general-purpose imagination in the same article.


Can you change what it computes, without altering the gross structure of the processor? (Mechanical calculators are nonprogrammable computers, on this account.)

Flight of fancy (retracted)

This section misunderstands the nature of Peano arithmetic and is probably not salvageable. Calculators may well be accidentally mirroring the function of certain nonarithmetic Turing machines, but this is not a sensible use of "reasoning about" or "encoding".
However! basic computability theory throws a spanner at this: Peano arithmetic can reason about Turing machines. So calculators (which have addition and multiplication) can be made to program other things after all. So 'nonprogrammable' calculators are programmable in a stronger sense than they are not.

So I need to specify something else as the criterion, if I want to preserve the extension. "Not programmable without simulation"? "Without metamathematical encoding"? "Efficiently"? "Without being a smartass"? These all turn to ashes in my mouth.)
"Programmable" is sometimes used to mean "general-purpose". Actually GP computers are a subset of programmable computers: they're the ones that can be programmed to do 'anything'.

(Even worse, "Program-controlled" is sometimes used to mean punch-card or plug-wire programming, as opposed to "stored-program-controlled", for instance regarding the Z3 here.)


This is one of the vaguest terms. I have contorted it to mean: If the device had unlimited memory (and time), could it simulate a Universal Turing machine; could it compute all that can be computed?

Other questions

How many first computers are there?

My crude model (which has eight boolean variables and three ternary variables), implies that there are up to 2304 4 first computers out there. I have only bothered to identify 45 of them. Who's pedantic now?

What about newer first computers?

I am not even counting developments after 1970. You could also add "synchronous/asynchronous", "networked" (...), uni/multiprocessing", classical/quantum", Flynn's four streams, input (e.g. first keyboard), a fourth value for physical medium: "optical" computing... Above all you'd also want "mass-produced" and a huge sliding scale of "portable".

What does stored program really mean?

6 different things, as detailed here. Turing invented four of them first, Zuse another, and von Neumann another. Mostly independent. The ENIAC implemented the most limited form first, then the Manchester Baby did the others.

Are shit computers still computers?

The Antikythera mechanism didn't work very well, because of a false astronomical theory and the crude engineering tolerances of the time. It probably systematically predicted planets to be a full 40 degrees off the real course. Nor could Leibniz's calculator carry through.


Here. If you have corrections or additions, please open an issue here.

A lot of the specs are taken from the remarkable conference covered by Rojas' The First Computers. John Morrice wrote a Python decision tree which inspired my solution. The SVG icons are by Feather. I used the Transcrypt Python transpiler, but kind of wish I hadn't.

The ENIAC question

The ENIAC was modified for stored programs in 1948. It was demoed in September '48. Other sources claim April '48, which would put it before the Baby. If you care, the ENIAC's stored program was stored in ROM rather than main memory.

"Jennings said that ENIAC ran in this mode from April 1948, but Goldstine reported a later date: ‘on 16 September 1948 the new system ran on the ENIAC'".

The expert [Ken Shiriff](https://www.righto.com/) writes in:
As for the specific dates of the ENIAC conversion, I'm going from "ENIAC in Action" page 164, which discusses the conversion in April. I haven't looked into it enough to have any confidence in the dates. As an aside, there seems to be much more controversy and conflict about everything related to ENIAC than I'd expect, about who did what and when. (Even between the people who worked on it.)

I find ENIAC interesting because it was clearly the first at something important, but it's very hard to determine what. My take is that it was the first computer that made others want to build a computer. Before ENIAC, various people built different computers, but these didn't really motivate others. Then ENIAC came along and the Moore School Lectures, and everyone started building computers. One puzzle here is how ENIAC succeeded at this when they did almost everything wrong architecturally. My hypothesis is that it boils down to economics and productivity. ENIAC (and other computers) were essentially competing against a room full of people with calculators. ENIAC was fast enough that it provided a significant advantage over manual calculations, as well as fast enough to do calculations that were previously impractical. This motivated the development of other computers in a way that the relay computers, Mark I, etc. didn't. The Colossus might have had this sort of impact, but nobody knew about it, so ENIAC had the impact. (I'm still developing my thoughts on this, so let me know what you think.)
  1. Early on, ENIAC claimed the title "first computer" by default, because the others were destroyed by carpet bombing or hidden by classified status. It did large amounts of useful work, computing solutions to nuclear physics problems. (Though the Colossi were hardly toys either.)

    This claim may also be due to national chauvinism, since computer science, as a self-aware field, was pioneered in American universities.

    Testable implications of nationalism: see if definitions of "computer" vary by country. In Germany, where the great mechanical and electromechanical devices were made, you might expect more of the rarefied abstract nonelectronic idea of computation. In America, where universal electronic computation was done first, you should see an emphasis on electricity and performance.

  2. Where "complex" is just "having intermediate steps between input and output".

    I added "inorganic" to exclude chimpanzees or octopi. Sorry.
  3. Benjamin Wells has shown that ten Colossi working together(!) could have approximated a universal Turing machine. I honestly don't know whether to count this. (It's certainly more physical work than has to be done to make the Z3 Turing-complete...)
  4. 2^8 * 3^3 - though minus a few hundred forbidden states like "Turing-complete non-programmable device".


Allan Olley commented on 19 February 2022 :

This is a neat little presentation of some of the facts around this situation. Sadly I think discussion around this generates more pedantic back and forth than genuine understanding, but I think this presentation manages to suggest some of the nuance of the situation by simply the diversity of criterion and answers, even if operating on only a small amount of data.

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