(A ramble occasioned by Cheryl Misak's biography of Frank Ramsey, but not a review of it.)

[Ramsey, aged 17] turned to Ogden and said: ‘Do you know, I’ve been thinking I ought to learn German. How do you learn German?’ Ogden leaped up instantly, rushed to the shelf, got him a very thorough German grammar — and an Anglo-German dictionary — and then hunted on the shelves and found a very abstruse work in German — Mach’s Die Analyse der Empfindungen — and said: ‘You’re obviously interested in this, and all you do is to read the book. Use the grammar and use the dictionary and come and tell us what you think.’ Believe it or not, within ten days, Frank was back saying that Mach had misstated this and that he ought to have developed that argument more fully, it wasn’t satisfactory. He’d learned to read German — not to speak it, but to read it — in almost hardly over a week.

Richards 1

A Mathematical Theory of Saving”… is, I think, one of the most remarkable contributions to mathematical economics ever made, both in respect of the intrinsic importance and difficulty of its subject, the power and elegance of the technical methods employed, and the clear purity of illumination with which the writer’s mind is felt by the reader to play about its subject.


There was something a bit abnormal about Frank. He was so huge in body and in mind, so much bigger and better… that I suspected that… his cells might have double the number of chromosomes… While still an undergraduate Frank had attacked Keynes on… probability and had shaken him to the core. But this precocious intelligence was combined with a childlike innocence…

The result was very curious. When I brought to his notice some ordinary tale of petty self-seeking, self-deception or malice, Frank was at first astounded. Such things did not seem possible to him up there in the heights. Then he would realise the full implications and humour of folly and silliness, and the self-defeating nature of selfishness and spitefulness, and God-like, his great innocent face would become wreathed in smiles and then he would chuckle. And his chuckle was the chuckling of a god.

Braithwaite or Bunny Garnett

The Ramsey Effect: for any theory that X believes to have discovered, it is likely that it was anticipated in some form by Ramsey decades earlier.

after Davidson

I don’t feel the least humble before the vastness of the heavens. The stars may be large, but they cannot think or love; and these are qualities which impress me far more than size does…

My picture of the world is drawn in perspective, and not like a model to scale. The foreground is occupied by human beings and the stars are all as small as threepenny bits… In time the world will cool and everything will die; but that is a long time off still… Nor is the present less valuable because the future will be blank.

Humanity, which fills the foreground of my picture, I find interesting and on the whole admirable. I find, just now at least, the world a pleasant and exciting place. You may find it depressing; I am sorry for you, and you despise me. But I have reason and you have none; you would only have a reason for despising me if your feeling corresponded to the fact in a way mine didn’t. But neither can correspond to the fact. The fact is not in itself good or bad; it is just that it thrills me but depresses you. On the other hand, I pity you with reason, because it is pleasanter to be thrilled than to be depressed, and not merely pleasanter but better for all one’s activities.

Ramsey (aged 22)

OK, OK, just one more encomium: Franz Berto calls Ramsey “the counterfactual greatest philosopher of the 20th Century” (i.e. he would have been it, if he hadn’t died at 26). He’s one of my favourite people, a model personality as well as a titanic brain. Just a big jolly bastard, a new Hume.

He is loveable – it is right for Misak and us to call him Frank, where we would never call Wittgenstein “Ludwig” (let alone Luki) or even Russell “Bertie”.

In a handful of years he founded a couple of subfields of mathematics, a couple in economics. He produced the greatest theory in epistemology 7, and one of the most radical notions in ethics. Filtered through about 5 successors, these upended my life. He was a Bayesian before Jeffreys and de Finetti; a longtermist before the Bomb.

But even massive nerds haven’t heard of him. I just polled my philosophy degree mates, and only 2 of 10 had, and only then because of his link to the Cult Wittgenstein.

This is probably because he’s way too mathematical for the novelist-journalist-historian-biographer complex that determines popular stature. 3 Someday I will write an Explain Like I’m Five for all sixteen of his publications.

Enough ass-kissing, what did he do?


(Jesus but people love naming things after him – even more than Hume.)

It is difficult to speak of achievements in philosophy: one man’s achievement is another’s reductio. But I mostly find his positions extremely sensible and they obviate large portions of philosophy for me.

  • Deflationism: you basically never need the concept of “truth”, only sufficiently strong probability. Somehow over the 10 years since learning this I have actually internalised it and feel oddly above one of the all-time philosophical debates.
  • reliabilism about knowledge
  • functionalism about meaning and mind
  • “best systems” approach to scientific law
  • expressivism about causal statements
  • indexical analysis of tensed statements
  • Decision theory as a way to make some (minimal) progress in ethical theory

I settled on half of these before reading him, so I am doubly struck by him – or at least how temperamentally similar he is to me.

The decision theory of everything

We might view his use of “psychology” as quaint; he lacked the proper term, decision theory.

the view that the philosophy of probability begins with the psychology of decision”.

Wald: statistics doesn’t make sense without loss, which is a decision metric. Deutsch-Wallace


[Wittgenstein] had never before said of anyone that they had understood the [Tractatus] and, as far as I know, he would never say it again.

  • Translator of last resort for Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (aged 18)
  • Vector of pragmatism into English philosophy. Progenitor of Wittgenstein II.
  • The Ramsey Test, an entry into the very clever and extremely stupid seeming debate about conditional statements. (This is named after him because he mentioned it in a footnote of an unpublished paper!)
  • Ramsey’s maxim: “it is a heuristic maxim that the truth lies not in one of the two disputed views but in some third possibility which has not yet been thought of, which we can only discover by rejecting something assumed as obvious by both disputants.” Plain language Hegel.
  • He wrote the definitive rebuttal to a crank ideology poised to take over British Labour. The MMT of its day.
  • Torpedoed Keynes’ book on probability.

These fit into 9 years of work and 16 papers. 2

Was Ramsey the first strong longtermist?

Or the first quantitative longtermist: someone with an explicit zero time discount on social welfare. Who would treat the future as they want to be treated.

Yes! In the classic line I quoted above, he says "In time the world will cool and everything will die; but that is a long time off still, and its present value at compound discount is almost nothing." But we can safely discount this as a witticism or a personal discount, given the derivation in the optimal saving paper.

[to discount later utilities is] ethically indefensible and arises merely from the weakness of the imagination.

Who else? Sidgwick already got the point informally:

the time at which a man exists cannot affect the value of his happiness from the universal point of view; and that the interests of posterity must concern a Utilitarian as much as those of his contemporaries, except in so far as the effect of his actions on posterity – and even the existence of human beings to be affected – must necessarily be more uncertain.
But Bentham was positive discount (fn6). Mill had thought about personal time preference and was extremely annoyed by people discounting there, but nothing on social discounting.

Pigou had the same explanation for discounting as Frank:
Generally speaking, everybody prefers present pleasures or satisfactions of given magnitude to future pleasures or satisfactions of equal magnitude, even when the latter are perfectly certain to occur. But this preference for present pleasures does not -- the idea is self-contradictory -- imply that a present pleasure of given magnitude is any greater than a future pleasure of the same magnitude. It implies only that our telescopic faculty is defective, and that we, therefore, see future pleasures, as it were, on a diminished scale

But Ramsey deriving the form of the intertemporal decision and then setting δ = 0 seems much clearer than any of these.

Humanism, pragmatism, altruism, fun

On top of those is his philosophy of life / demeanour. Keynes again:

His bulky Johnsonian frame, his spontaneous gurgling laugh, the simplicity of feelings and reactions, half-alarming sometimes and occasionally almost cruel in their directness and literalness, his honesty of mind and heart, his modesty, and the amazing, easy efficiency of the intellectual machine which ground away behind his wide temples and broad, smiling face, have been taken from us at the height of their excellence and before their harvest of work and life could be gathered in.

Ramsey failed see the value of reverence, except with respect to music

It would have done twentieth century philosophy a power of good to have someone like Ramsey around the Cambridge colleges as a counterweight to Wittgenstein, partly because he had a mind of the same magnitude but quite different cast, but also because he provided an appealing alternative model of what genius can be. It might have saved a lot of people a lot of trouble, right down to some of the people I knew in grad school who tried so, so hard to induce genius in themselves—or at least its designation in them by others—through being assholes to nominally lower-status people

He is a model of genius without pretensions, cynicism, abuse of others, or self-conscious tragedy. An important model, if only to show up the many people who think that suffering is deeper than fun or that intelligence is a great burden. Sir, you’re no Frank P Ramsey.

Nihilism is bizarrely popular, given how unpleasant it is to experience. So I also love him for his simple beautiful arguments against it (see the “threepenny” quotation above).

Although the study of classics and mathematics is very valuable, more valuable, perhaps, than other games like chess, yet it is difficult to see that proficiency at it is a sufficient reason why a man should not do his share of the world’s work, give something to his fellows in exchange for the meat and drink they give him…

Geometry is doubtless [a] more divine amusement… but what excuse is that… [to] not give up his amusement to save his creatures from their present miserable condition?’


Almost entirely indirect, through Keynes, Wittgenstein, Carnap, Samuelson, etc. Dying young wasn’t good for his memes (unlike with young musicians) and he quickly became obscure.

So we had to rediscover half of his work. But this means we can make a good tragic estimate of how far ahead of the curve he was, since we’re basically in the control group:

Aged 26, he was PhD advisor for Wittgenstein (aged 40). He inspired lots of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations; opinions vary on whether Ramsey was Hume to his Kant or Bernoulli to his l’Hôpital. Frankly he makes Wittgenstein look contrived.

Misak on Ramsey

His instincts, in all parts of his life, were straightforward and directed to the facts.

Roy Harrod: “Ramsey’s intellectual process is at white heat; but the style is delightfully cool, like that of some old naturalist taking one for a ramble in the country and making desultory observations.”

Sporty despite being ungainly and hyperintellectual.

It is tragic that he wasted months of his life (2% of it) with Freudians who were unfit to treat him – among all people they were unfit to treat.

[The analyst] also suggested to Frank that he had an Oedipus fixation, drawing on the Freudian contention that every son wants to kill his father so that he can have sex with his mother. Glover told Frank to have a talk with Margaret, and that seems to have helped: ‘I did and she was awfully nice.’ But his three months or so with Glover were on the whole not working: ‘It wasn’t really improving my mind very much, so I decided to stop it and go back to sea.’ Margaret too was being psychoanalysed, by Dr James Glover, the brother of Frank’s therapist. James Glover was also psychoanalysing Dick and Geoff. Their analysts had no qualms about discussing a patient’s analysis not only amongst themselves, but also with other patients.

At the end of his time in Vienna, Frank was taken aback by the results of his analysis—he hadn’t thought ‘people were as complicated as that’. Over time, the chains of causation posited by Freud became less believable to him. But if people were not complicated in quite the way that Freud thought, they were still mighty intricate, and talking about his own complications certainly helped Frank.


The seventy scholarship boys lived in a damp and cold fourteenth-century building. The chambers were unheated—central heating was installed only in 1987, after the students built a snowman inside one of the chambers and it stayed intact for the duration of the term. Freezing morning baths, quickly in-and-out, were not optional.

The war had a deleterious effect on the food, which at Winchester was at the best of times awful. Its quality had been known to give rise to correspondence in The Times… Once they were given boiled rhubarb leaves as a vegetable, only to discover the next day that they could have died from eating them… The boys who couldn’t buy food from the school shop were always hungry.

Interesting that the “scholars” [scholarship boys] were higher status than the “commoners” [fee-paying]

The primary issue was the length of the day, which officially started at 6:45 in the morning and went straight through to 8:45 in the evening. Lessons began at 7 am, and late risers did without their cup of tea and two weevily biscuits. But the junior boys had a much more arduous time of it than the official story let on. As one of the youngest, it was Frank’s duty to get up at the first sound of the bell at 6 am and ‘call’ or wake up the dormitory.

Frank took life seriously and did not like being made fun of

The police themselves went out on strikes during 1918–19. A revolutionary socialism now seemed a real possibility.

Charlie would no doubt turn in his grave if he knew that the only reason anyone still reads his history of the Wilson family is to find out about those two left-wing nephews.

“The reason people say this is the happiest time of one’s life is simply that… most people… will never again possess despotic power as he does now. He can be witness judge and executioner all in one; he can abuse juniors as he will never-again be able to abuse people . . . He can go about imagining he is upholding the foundations of College and talk rot about prefectorial dignity and people being above themselves and can beat people as he did Asquith for being ‘solitary’.”


“We really live in a great time for thinking”

He would become the singular mind who could engage each of those great thinkers—Keynes, Russell, Moore, Wittgenstein—on their own terms. There would be simply no one else who could do that, including these four themselves. At the least, Keynes and Moore weren’t up to Russell’s logical skills and Wittgenstein, Russell, and Moore weren’t up to Keynes’s skill in economics.

In the elite world of Cambridge University in the early 1920s, being vaguely pro-Bolshevik was not a particularly radical stance… The infamous Cambridge spies of the 1930s would be drawn from the circle of Frank’s friends.

Turing came up to King’s as a mathematics undergraduate in 1931. The fact that he was at King’s would have pretty much guaranteed Ramsey as his supervisor. Turing attended Newman’s Foundations of Mathematics lectures, the course that Ramsey had so happily ‘bagged’ and that likely would have remained his had he lived. Turing was appointed to a Fellowship at King’s in , at the age of , just a little older than Ramsey had been when he got his King’s job. He went on to teach The Foundations of Mathematics course himself. This was one of the most spectacular near-misses in the foundations of mathematics. For Turing was interested in precisely Ramsey’s set of problems. Both were interested in solving the Entscheidungsproblem. Both were interested in the fundamental nature of mathematics… [They would extremely likely have both gone to Bletchley]

The decision theory of time

He takes this distinction to explain why we take the past to be fixed: ‘[A]ny possible present volition of ours is (for us) irrelevant to any past event. To another . . . it can serve as a sign of the past, but to us now what we do affects only the probability of the future.’ The distinction turns on the fact that for the agent herself, whether she acts a certain way is not an epistemic matter—‘not . . . an intellectual problem’. ‘In a sense’, as Ramsey puts it, ‘my present action is an ultimate and the only ultimate contingency.’


Lettice was one of the few people who could deliver reprimands to Wittgenstein. She once wrote to him about his taking offence at her expressing happiness that he had received more funding from Trinity than he had expected: ‘Dear Ludwig, I was glad to get your letter. Yes, you did hurt me very much indeed. I don’t know how you can have thought even for a moment that my motives were anything other than friendly towards you. Why should I want to know your affairs for any other reason than interest in you? When I talked of your money matters I was only feeling pleased that you would get more than you expected. …I’m very sorry you were offended, Ludwig. But I do think it was very touchy of you. Why you should be so suspicious of my motives I can’t think.’

She remained an adventurer—funny, pleasure- loving, direct, and full of vitality. In , at the age of seventy-one, she was stopped from getting into Cambodia in the last days of Prince Sihanouk’s regime, because she carried a camera and was taken to be a journalist. She was indeed a professional photographer. She immediately arranged for another passport describing her occu- pation as ‘housewife’, and got into Cambodia, where she took hundreds of pictures. Also in her seventies, she surreptitiously climbed the scaffolding in King’s Chapel to photograph the stained glass, and was locked in before she could get down


Keynes called Wittgenstein a “Clergyman” and a “savage brute”, correctly: a right John Knox he was.

After Ramsey pulls strings to get him a retroactive degree, Wittgenstein refuses to write a 300 word summary as his entire work for the PhD. Ramsey, his advisor, ends up doing it for him.

After a short discussion, the [PhD viva] ‘ended amicably with Wittgenstein putting an arm on each of his examiners’ shoulders and saying ‘Don’t worry, I know you’ll never understand it’.

…at least Moore saw ‘how difficult it is to see the truth’. Wittgenstein held that ‘you can’t think decently if you don’t want to hurt yourself ’— if you don’t want to suffer. He included Ramsey in the camp that took philosophy to be too easy and not to have the required angst about philosophical problems. Ramsey thought that Wittgenstein’s suffering over a philosophical problem was excessive

Nevertheless: “Ramsey and Wittgenstein met almost daily”.

Ramsey: [Wittgenstein was] rather dogmatic and inclined to repeat explanations of simple things. Because if you doubt the truth of what he says he always thinks you can’t have understood it. This makes him rather tiring to talk to.

Wittgenstein’s claim that language is in perfect order ‘is like saying it is impossible to break the rules of bridge because if you break them you are not playing bridge’.

Eventually Wittgenstein cut her out of his life. He had left some furniture with her while he was between addresses, including a foul bathmat, which Lettice threw out. When Wittgenstein got his new rooms in Trinity, he wanted it back, and took Lettice’s crime to be unforgivable.

It seems that Wittgenstein thought that hagiography was to be reserved for thinkers such as himself—those who gnawed away at a problem in order to get to its very root. That became a model of how philosophy was to be conducted. Perhaps Ramsey’s more cheerful and straightforward style would have provided an alternative and welcome exemplar.

Of his time

He established things that will outlast you and me and our memory, but he was also caught up in the manias of his day. He was an unconflicted socialist; he caught the anti-masturbation fad; and he devoted months and months of his short life to being psychoanalysed. 5

Rather than quaint fads, maybe it’s good to view these as early experiments in living, as modernity weakened the trad death grip. Probably I am equally timebound in some way or other. (Music taste, most likely.) No shame in it.

People constantly say that economics, or neoclassical economics, or orthodox economics, is simple ideology, overdetermined by its right-wing politics. Ramsey’s work rebuts this silly accusation: his theories of tax and saving are still central despite being about active governments and a wealth tax. (Never mind Samuelson and Arrow; never mind the vast Keynesian contingent who ruled for 50 years.)

More generally: Ramsey had a strong ideology tamed by his decency and his mathematics. He was that happy thing, a reasonable and productive partisan.

That phrase — the feasible first best — beautifully captures Ramsey’s intellectual style. We are not after the ideal, the absolute, the certain rule or principle. We are after the feasible first best, which will be dependent on the circumstances that can actually hold. There is nothing more — nothing that goes beyond the feasible first best — at which we might aim. That is the optimal solution for the real world.

See also

  1. He had actually started a year earlier, which is ridiculously impressive anyway.
    Paul Samuelson tells a even more false but much more fun version of this story:
    ...on his first day as an undergraduate at Cambridge, Ramsey met with his philosophy tutor Ogden, and started to discuss some of his own ideas about essence and being. After listening, Ogden said, “These notions are rather like those of Kant.”
    “Kant? Who is he?”
    “Immanuel Kant was the author of this book I’ll lend you, 'Kritik der reinen Vernunft'.”
    “But it’s in German, sir, and I don’t know any German.”
    “That’s all right, I’ll lend you this dictionary.”
    A couple of weeks later Ramsey came back to Ogden saying “Kant has it almost right, but...”
  2. A quick comparison to the yardstick of mind, John von Neumann.

    By 26, von Neumann had axiomatised set theory properly, done a bunch of important group theory, and more than halfway formalised quantum mechanics for the first time ever. He hadn't yet descended to applications or shaping the future.

    I'm biased by my adherence to Ramsey's philosophies, but this honestly seems pretty close.
  3. Wittgenstein I is technical, but in a way that lets you feel you're reading modernist poetry if you can't understand it. Ogden, the Tractatus' "editor", was quite sure he understood it, when he certainly did not.
  4. See also the Ramsey-Lewis analysis of theoretical statements
  5. He was also in a slightly mishandled open relationship with his wife, which right now seems prescient, where Bloomsbury seem quaint.
  6. He introduced a special case of Ramsey cardinals, which Erdos invented and named after him.
  7. He didn't agree that it was great, let alone the greatest. Writing out his theory in full "would, I think, be rather like working out to seven places of decimals a result only valid to two".


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