A grave punishment in ancient Rome was damnatio memoriae: being written out of history. Ada Palmer’s extremely melodramatic and for all I know accurate portrayal:

[the damned person is] neither slim nor mighty, stooped nor noble, just a shape… Somewhere in a dusty archive a baptismal registry records some Hildebrand, and, when that dry page molders… I can’t look, I can’t! Behind the shades, the broad gray plain, that sea of shapeless gloom extending on and on… all forgotten souls, minds empty of memory, smeared one into another… to this absolute dissolution Caesar damns his enemies… Not me! I will never let you take me! I will carve my memory into history, by work, by force, by guile, in swathes of blood and ashes if I must!

Supposedly this remained an effective policy in the Renaissance:

In 1343… the Florentine republic that replaced the Duke of Athens ordered all memory of him and his rule erased, and all images and mementos of him destroyed immediately… In addition to the official punishments, a crowd of citizens stormed the government palace in order to burn archival documents… A crowd also cannibalized two of the duke’s supporters in a particularly brutal form of bodily damnatio memoriae that seems to have emulated the corpse abuse practised on hated emperors in ancient Rome.

Sometimes people even seem to prefer being lied about and demonised to being forgotten.

I cannot understand this at all, and (oddly for me) I don’t want to. It just doesn’t seem like a big deal. The pain and abuse of power preceding your expurgation is overwhelmingly more important.

I know why you’d do it to ideological opponents - to hide your crimes, to manage competing ideologies and pre-empt martyrs. So I understand the negationism of Seti and Stalin and the rest. (Actually, how often did it work? Lots of damned people are now more famous than their damners, an ur-Streisand effect. But maybe some cases were done so well that I will never know the numerator here.)

Then there’s a sensible kind, which just attempts to remove the incentive for people to commit infamous crimes just for the sake of fame. (Our media merrily incentivise murder all the time.)

So I’m instead mocking the reaction of the target to posthumous punishment. Fearing damnatio memoriae is an ultimate kind of wounded pride. Men who appear to value being remembered more than life or anything. This seems related to the naive idea of ‘living on’ through your descendents.

I want to shake them. “Look man, I know we’re all status-obsessed, but some of us try to earn status by doing things. Look man, I know death sucks ass, but using history as a consolation prize is pathetic.”

My stepfather 1 died a few years ago. He was a nice man, but comically taciturn. I was a nice lad, but comically shy. We probably had about 5 serious conversations in 5 years.

One of them concerned his final rest. He told me that he wanted absolutely no monument, no gravestone and no plaque. He told me that it was meaningless and greedy to cling to things when you have no fingers. That he’d had his share of the world. God wasn’t in it. When his sons in turn were gone, he wanted to disturb the waters no more. We dumped his ashes - the ashes - at sea.

Let’s say he wasn’t exceptional in this, that the mania for legacy has declined between Imperium and now. (Rather than being sublimated somehow.) A huge change. Meaning, relocated from public stature to private experience. Status, bounded by one life and one small group of people. Honour, a matter of living peacefully, tidying up after yourself, and turning off the light.

There is a version of this which would scare me - if anyone ever hated me enough to do it. Call it damnatio opera.

This is not the pathetic, primitive damnation of having your name chiselled off plinths and deleted from databases. “Ow my status!!” This is the undoing of everything good you have done. Your children eliminated, certainly. But also an unkindness to every person you’ve been kind to. An opposite murder for every life you save. Your parents’ pride undone. All your writing, bit-rotted. All your arguments, refuted. All your charity seized. All that you inspired pruned. All happy memories spoiled or repressed.

Maybe people still know that you existed. But so what? 2

  1. Something less than a stepfather but more than my mother's boyfriend idk.
  2. Scott Aaronson: "Why do so many people seem to care about being remembered after they die? Because we only remember the ones who cared about being remembered."


Tomas commented on 22 February 2022 :

I like the point about the damned people being eventually more famous. However, I could imagine the erasure tactic to be somewhat effective short/mid-term, e.g. as a very strong signal not to talk about the person, which in turn makes public martyrdom less likely etc.

Tomas commented on 22 February 2022 :

While a part of the desire to be remembered individually seems narcissistic and egoistic, the overall ‘leaving a legacy’ aspect seems more natural - to the extent that ‘having preferences over the world states after my death’ seems natural. (I do have those quite strongly.)

For example, a famous artist may not care for their memory in particular being preserved - but they strongly care about the future of particular (sub)culture they represent, and their memory is a good and most concrete representation of that (and one they have most control over).

(I also think there are ‘heuristic’ and ‘memetic’ reasons to want to be remembered: You being remembered / leaving a legacy is a good heuristic for your descendants or culture to fare well in the world. And the memes that our mind runs are (evolutionarily) more likely to be the kind that care about their fate after the demise of the mind, thus endorsing us wanting to leave a legacy. Again, if the memes of the individual are somewhat differentiated from their ‘general’ version, they will want to preserve the specific memory rather than just boost the general ones.)

Gavin: Great points.

I was aware of skirting a silly Epicurus-style attitude (ruling out current preferences after my death by fallacious reasoning), but I decided to leave the post simple for once. I agree it’s fine to have these preferences, as a subset of it being fine to have preferences about things other than your immediate conscious experiences.

Being remembered as you is indeed a decent proxy or placeholder or trojan for your ethos.

Memetic pressure seems less convincing, in the modern age: it’s very easy for my memes to spread without reference to me, for my arguments to shuck the heavy meat that generated them. I suppose the argument is that by bundling my memes under my name they all gain some fitness / their fidelity is increased by cross-referencing and mutual reinforcement.

For a funny example, see the viral uptake of Yudkowsky’s lovely line among basic activists.

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Tags: death, meaning, longtermism


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