Where questions of style and exposition are concerned I try to follow a simple maxim: if you can’t say it clearly you don’t understand it yourself.

- John Searle

Sometimes the obvious is the enemy of the true.

- Gabriel Stolzenberg

I am about to begin studying Derrida, because I wish to know if he’s a brilliant comedian. But, reading around him, I find that the first thing about him is not his extraordinary reinterpretations of classical, logocentric philosophy; not his seminal critiques of structuralism and phenomenology; nor even that he was continually demonized as a nihilist: the first thing about him is that he could not (or would not) write well.

This foible is the most popular dismissal of Derrida and other theorists in that intellectual direction. Running with Searle’s personal maxim, the critique is: “they write obscurely, therefore they are all speaking nonsense. I don’t follow, therefore it doesn’t follow.”

This “they” are a large subculture uniting the disciplines Cultural studies, Hermeneutics, Post-colonial studies, Queer theory, Gender studies and Critical theory (or just Theory), but also work of any discipline associated with the buzzword-methods “postmodernism”, “poststructuralism”, “La pensée 68”, “Lacanian psychoanalysis”, and “deconstructionism”. I hope that this grouping looks as artificial to you as it does to me, but for the sake of this let’s lend it subsistence under the umbrella postmodernism.

It is suggested that doctrines held in common in this assortment are now the ruling tendency in some humanities departments, and it is further suggested that the people identified with it have nothing to them; that they’re intellectually bankrupt or counter-productive. The backlash has been ongoing for perhaps thirty years, with a great number of clearly-written things in popular philosophy, popular science, Marxist philosophy, and journalism arguing that the whole (putative) thing is an outbreak of disguised scepticism, anti-rationalism, or, at the most declamatory, shoddy pseudo-philosophy.

One might call these critics of postmodernism pomophobes; critiques based in postmodernism’s writing style are thus cases of aesthetic, or rhetorical pomophobia.

“Postmodernism” defies definition in part because it is diverse, in part because the term is often pejorative and disowned by those labelled, in part because some of it is actually bogus. But on its own terms, definitions of it fail because definition is seen to be self-defeating: to define is to fix semantic content, create hard boundaries, and a recurring thesis in it is exactly the denial of this sort of objective meaning.

Common symptoms of postmodernism:

  1. Semiotics as key method (much time spent critiquing the language and symbolism used, as well as the actual positions)

  2. Semantic relativism (meaning as necessarily contextual, “destabilized”)

  3. Interpretative pluralism as to texts (we apply, not extract meaning).

  4. Cultural relativism (rejection of “imperialism”, comparative hierarchy) Reality viewed as a product of texts (i.e. inescapably structured by our stories, theories, and values, and thus forming enclosed “metanarratives”):
  5. Rejection of epistemic objectivity. (Knowledge as only meanings.)

  6. Anti-foundationalism

  7. Heavy emphasis on socialization and ideology as determiners of identity and meaning. Also the rejection thereof, as in Lyotard’s: “I define postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives.”

  8. Belief in the social importance of Theorists.

  9. Belief in critical reading as a political act.

Political radicalism:

  1. Anti-scientism (from 4 and 5)

  2. Anti-humanism (individual conceived as mere bundle of socializations)11

  3. Radical politics, usually New Left (cf. Baudrillard, Debord)

  4. Interdisciplinary scope and methods (though especially in linguistics, modern psychoanalysis, literary theory, and Strong sociology.)

  5. And, most pertinently: Writing style displaying high degree of abstraction, technicality, impersonality, and insularity.

I should now try to account for “bad writing”, but I won’t. So, at the risk of making the endeavour circular, I will utilise the aesthetic-cum-moral criteria of pomophobes such as Denis Dutton, in which “good” writing is identified with clear writing – the properties:

  • quickly understandable even to nonspecialists;
  • concrete (frequent reference to the ordinary world);
  • low on technical terms;
  • lacking imagery;
  • using short sentences which each represent one idea;
  • and being unproblematic (perhaps I mean: “having one determinate sense”).

The most common properties of “bad” academic writing are the negation of the above: difficult words (e.g. jargon, name-dropping, “isms”, frequent use of neologisms and foreign loanwords), difficult syntax (extended sentences), and difficult ideas (constant, nested abstractions).

It’s spurious to examine works for “ease” outside of their proper context. However, a good example of what I think pomophobes have in mind is the 1998 winner in Dutton’s infamous Bad Writing contest, Judith Butler’s:

The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.

Putting aside the question of the sentence’s content: what reasons are there for this style?

Allegation #1: The French Deception

One suggestion is that massive, systematic obscurantism on the part of many thousands of people working in and around academia produces the style. That is, the claim that postmodernism en masse is intentionally and radically counterfeit. This is patently the lowest rank and grandest scale of conspiracy theory, and one propounded by people who characterize their enemies as the anti-rationalists. It chimes with the Classical smear-campaign that was run on the Sophists – another movement derided as rhetorical frauds.

Allegation #2: Keeping up with Profs Joneses

Alternatively, perhaps postmodernism is unintentionally elitist: perhaps a culture of bad rhetorical habits met with the ordinary pressures of self-interest, and led to confirmation bias and hot air. Practices might be reinforced when the peer community, worried about the need to impress, endorses each other even where discourse is turgid and/or hollow. This theory also seems quite silly, though is at least human-sounding. More sympathetically: academics are taught in jargon, and much of what we read is laden with it. We mimic this because distinctive jargon is customary to all fields. It is the convention that contains the other conventions.

Allegation #3: Argument from Sokal’s hoax

In 1994, a physicist, Alan Sokal, sent a deliberately absurd paper15 to a cultural theory journal, Social Text; his parody passed for sincere deconstructive interdisciplinary theory and was published. Now, it is a good joke. But some use the affair as a reductio-ad-absurdum of all deconstruction, or all postmodernism, which it really is not. It is instead indication that one should not criticize from outside (that is, from a position of ignorance); that editors at this journal were lax; and that academic research is very probably vitiated by a process which does not require an expert in the discussed field to at least check for inaccuracy.

Allegations #4 & 5: The economics of thought

A highly plausible, cynical pair of ideas:

1) jargon proliferates because, where a coordinated group has an advantage, they will seek to cement that advantage. (i.e. it is in the interests of each brand of academics to have their own language, so that the long, expensive training they went through to become an insider is – is seen as – valuable).

2) market pressure towards volume of published research (rather than “quality”, say), and that what wins journal space is what talks the orthodox contemporary talk.16 Ease of comprehension is even interpreted as lack of quality in some contexts.17 Jargon and the other hallmarks of research writing could thus be seen as a protective scholarly veneer of rigour and sophistication (or a “preference falsification”). DG Myers cites a philosopher feeling this moral hazard:

In the current crisis of hiring freezes and intense pressure for tenure, the need to publish is perhaps greater than any time before. Yet to publish in most journals means flinging the jargon, toeing the party line (which is somewhere to the left of gibberish), and quoting the usual suspects (Benjamin, Foucault, Derrida, Said, Jameson, Butler, etc.). I’m often appalled at my own writing, but since jargon, rather than substance, gains a publication, I succumb to verbiage.

Justification #1: The politics of clarity

Some key linguistic assumptions of pomophobia are: that style and content are separable; that author-intention is the first and only really pertinent content of a text; and that “clear” writing is without ideological baggage. These claims have been dubious for some time, undermined in particular by the structuralist project.19 From Roland Barthes’ defence of pluralism: “In truth, [clear] writing is clear only to the extent that it is generally accepted… For to write is already to organize the world, it is already to think.”20 Texts are not to be thought of as divisible into form (language) and content (pre-language), because forms are themselves shot through with cultural assumptions. We should be wary of following “clear writing” on to “good writing”, since this is as much a socialized valuation as “good taste” or “propriety” have been.

Butler has defended her work from criticism by cruelly quoting Theodore Adorno, who “…surely had it right when he wrote about those who recirculate received opinion: ‘only what they do not need first to understand, they consider understandable; only the word coined by commerce (and really alienated) touches them as familiar.’”21 His and her claim is that readable writing is so because it tends to be truism, the reuse of existing, politically corrupt ideas. The postmodern progressive sees a need to form “alternative procedures” of writing, and arguments often proceed from Marxist premises – for example, that what is “ordinary” or “common sense” is likely to be politically conservative (the theory of stable ideologies). From there they might conclude that the values and idioms of “clear writing” are basically bourgeois.

  • “A piece is readable because familiar;
  • familiar, because conventional;
  • and conventional implies conservative.”

There’s an idea, which even some Analytic philosophers like Stephen Stich and Brian Leiter have taken up: “what is left for philosophy/the non-sciences to do is to tidy up our thinking, no more”. Just resolve linguistic illusions; define; clarify; and maybe unify. Postmodernism is a countervailing tendency: the will to rip off the apron and throw out the dustpan.-From this perspective, a text’s being called problematic is not at all pejorative, but to be aimed for; jargon is taken to be a symptom of the struggle. Groundbreaking is messy, as it might be put clearly.

Allegations #2, #4 and #5 all suggest processes that reinforce poor presentation habits – but these typically apply to all fields, and extend well beyond just academic discourses. None of the attributes of “bad writing” listed above are the sole preserve of postmodernists, nor are they notably characteristic. No one makes this criticism of Kant, and he more or less coined his own German to write in. Wittgenstein can often be whimsically unhelpful, as he concedes with stuff like:

I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking.

Justification #2: Insularity from specialization

Jargon is also simply the shorthand of the professional, enabling concise, precise discussion amongst a pre-engaged group of peers. Catherine Belsey chides us: “[One reason we have difficulty reading Derrida] is that he is a Continental philosopher, with a range of reference that is not widely available outside that tradition. Many of his more impenetrable remarks turn out to be allusions to Plato, Hegel, or Heidegger, and not obscure at all to people who have those writers at their fingertips, in a way most of us don’t.”

I’m told that academic fields are fragmenting into subfields with their own niche journals; an academic today whose paper is read by a thousand people may be considered unusually successful.

This addresses allegations #1 and #2: it is entirely more likely that there is no conspiracy at play, but simply that work is written to a committed, specialist audience. What this insularity says to the stated intent of many postmodernists (to effect change in the world) is another matter.

Justification #3: Intentional complexity or indeterminacy

A friend of mine who tries to read Friedrich Nietzsche once described the ambiguous/symbolic style of Thus Spoke Zarathustra as “dickery” – but there is an underlying doctrine to it. Nietzsche wanted to emphasise the validity of perspectives and the fact that speech is never only one thing (the “multivocity” of language); this is writing made “difficult”, not so as to exclude, but to encourage multiple readings. This foreshadows the project which amounts to the positive element of postmodernism: it would not suit Derrida for us to ever fully understand his work, because this would assert our reading as The Reading, and this kills all the other ones. George Orwell notes that “Good prose is like a window pane”23, but this is precisely the opposite of the wall that postmodernists aim for.

Some serendipity from Belsey: “…it is important from the point of view of the case against logocentrism to demonstrate in practice that language is not transparent, not a pane of glass through which ideas are perceptible in their pure intelligibility.”24 Convolution makes the reader work. When reading Derrida, you are not allowed to forget that you are reading; the text’s opacity forces us to be reflective and reflexive, if not actually paranoid.

The debate cannot be rendered simply as “linguistic transparency vs the ivory-tower” nor “radical intellects vs invested ideological absolutism.” We need lots more binaries at least: rhetoric vs reason; style vs/& content; action vs speech; the paternal elite vs the unsophisticated mass; truth vs/& imperialism; language vs/& thought; and the fundamental rift in political belief: tradition as font of wisdom vs tradition as the font of repression.

Anyway, I don’t take the criticisms above to be either a grand exposé or punching up that pomophobes frame them as. As an undergraduate (a hick) and a sympathetic man (a mark), there’s a great deal to be done before I can write off Derrida et al. And if I eventually do, it will not be due to style that the blade falls.

Note on naming one's opponents

In the first version of this, written when I was a nipper, I used the word "pomophobia" to label the excessive inferences against postmodernism. And thought I was brill.

Some time later I read this piece by Nicholas Shackel, where he considers fighting back against all the weasel words levelled at scientific realists and metaphysicians - logocentric, etc - by deeming them "logophobes". But then he stops and reflects that these are the rhetorical dark arts, and that we should shun manipulative crap like this. So he calls the view "alogosia" instead - denying the objective Word.


  • Anon (1997), Private communication to Denis Dutton, 15/6/1997
  • Barthes, Roland (1966), Criticism and Truth, trans. Keuneman (London; Athlone, 1987)
  • Belsey, Catherine (2002), Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction; (Oxford, OUP, 2002)
  • Beardsworth, Richard (1996); Derrida and the Political; (Oxon, Routledge, 1996)
  • Benson, Ophelia & Stangroom, Jeremy (2006), Why Truth Matters (London, Continuum, 2006)
  • Bulhak, Andrew C (2000), The Postmodernism Generator, website
  • http://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/
  • Butler, Judith (1997), “Further Reflections on the Conversations of Our Time”, Diacritics (1997)
  • Butler, Judith (1999); “A ‘Bad’ Writer Bites Back”; op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, February 5, 1999
  • Derrida, Jacques (1981), Dissemination, trans. Barbara Johnson (Chicago; Chicago University Press, 1981)
  • Dutton, Denis (1998); “Bad Writing Press Release, 1998”, http://www.denisdutton.com/bad_writing.htm
  • Fairclough, Norman (2001); Language and Power (Harlow; Pearson Education, 2001)
  • Foucault, Michel (1977); “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”; in Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, ed. D. F. Bouchard. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977)
  • Galak, Jeff & Neilson, Leif (2010) “The Virtues of Opaque Prose”; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (forthcoming), http://tinyurl.com/2u3qwz2
  • Lévinas, Emmanuel (1972); Humanism of the Other; (Chicago; University of Illinois Press, 2003)
  • Miller, James (2000); “Is Bad Writing Necessary?”, Lingua Franca, vol.9 no.9
  • Myers, D.G (2005), “Bad Writing”, in Theory’s Empire: An Anthology of Dissent, ed. Patai and Corral (New York; Columbia University Press, 2005)
  • Orwell, George (1953), “Why I Write”, in A Collection of Essays (London, Harcourt Brace, 1953)
  • Sokal, Alan (1994), “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity”, Social Text 46/47, pp. 217-252 (Durham; Duke University Press, 1996)
  • Stolzenberg, Gabriel (2001), “Reading and Relativism: an introduction to the Science Wars”; After the Science Wars, ed. Ashman & Baringer (New York; Routledge, 2001)


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